About Me

Photographer, wife and mother of two...I love my life and my career! To learn more about me and my business, visit www.amyfelix.zenfolio.com

Thursday, November 1, 2012

"A Year Of Giving": November

It's time to choose the next month's organization to receive 10% of the profits from every photo session as a part of my "A Year of Giving" project!

10% of all of November's photo sessions will be donated to: Union Gospel Mission

Here's a little info about Union Gospel Mission...

Union Gospel Mission is a Christian ministry dedicated to serving the homeless, poor, and addicted in our community. By meeting physical, spiritual, emotional, and educational needs, our Mission is changing lives!

Union Gospel Mission helps people in trouble look beyond the surface facts of their lives. They might be homeless and jobless, in the grips of an addiction to alcohol or other drugs, or carrying the physical and emotional scars of domestic abuse. These facts, while powerful influences which must be dealt with, do not comprise the whole truth. Our approach is to ignite their imaginations, allowing them to see all the possibilities for health, wholeness, and spiritual vitality.
In addition, we provide comprehensive support services and education programs focused on techniques and habits for promoting long-term success. Our investment in each person is a precursor of his or her own investment in a more vibrant future. Our goal is to encourage people to value themselves as God values them, to see the value they have to offer the world, and to seek out a bright future as a fully contributing member of our community. As a faith-based organization, Union Gospel Mission is uniquely equipped to help change lives.

To learn more about  Union Gospel Mission, visit www.ugmstpaul.org

So, if you're looking to schedule a photo session in November, your money will be going towards a great cause! I'm looking forward to a busy schedule...the busier the schedule, the bigger difference we can make! Thank you for your support :)